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- Departments
- Department of Physics/
Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering - "Unraveling natural phenomena ranging from elementary particles to universe to biology"
- Department of Applied Physics/
Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering - "Producing next-generation technologies and new physics"
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry/
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering - "Studies on substances and energy from the view point of atoms and molecules"
- Department of Applied Chemistry/
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering - "Useful chemistry / Practical chemistry"
- Department of Life science and Medical Bioscience/
Department of Life Science and Medical Bioscience, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering - "Turning out fresh talent and advancing the frontier of medicine and life science through collaboration among medicine, science and engineering"
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience/
Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering - "Enabling students to discover what they want to be"
What is the difference between the Physics Department and the Applied Physics Department?

The Physics Department focuses on the essence of natural phenomena and the study of universal laws.
Examples of such fields:
Elementary particle physics and nuclear physics Molecular motors, proteins and biophysics Condensed matter physics (superconductivity, magnetism, dielectrics and crystal growth) Astrophysics
The Applied Physics Department studies the application of physics to a diversity of fields.
Examples of such diverse fields:
Mathematical physics
Statistical physics and the science of complex systems Surface and condensed matter physics by neutron scattering Optics Optical communications and semiconductor spintronics Robotics and computer graphics Liquid crystal and soft matter
What is the difference between chemistry / biochemistry and applied chemistry?

Everything starts from atoms and molecules
"Chemistry" is a discipline that studies material synthesis, reaction and functions at a molecular level. It has made a significant contribution to prosperity through the development of many useful materials such as medicines, synthetic fibers and plastics. Conversely, it is also a fact that a number of these materials have caused drug-induced suffering and pollution problems. The call on twenty-first century chemistry is for high-level technologies that produce materials that benefit society with minimum environmental impact. Accordingly, chemistry must not only continue traditional knowledge and technology, but also establish new methods for elucidating phenomena related to materials composed of atoms and molecules while exploit those methods in the development of new technologies. Chemistry and biochemistry aim to "adroitly design, synthesize and evaluate molecules."
Contributing to humanity through chemistry
Applied chemistry goes beyond academic chemistry to study "usable chemistry". Based on the academic discipline of chemistry, applied chemistry looks for ways of producing useful products and seeks to optimize the methods used for manufacturing such products. Aiming to support and promote the development of society and daily life through chemistry, applied chemistry encompasses specialized fields including ceramics, plastics, catalysts, foodstuffs, medicines, and electronic materials. It also enables students to become knowledgeable in chemical engineering, and to acquire the skills needed to apply such knowledge in design of manufacturing processes. This discipline aims for mastery of chemistry that is beneficial to mankind and the environment, and can be applied to a variety of problems.
What are the differences between the three "life" related departments?

The current rapid development of life sciences is built on integration of research in diverse research areas. The achievements and discoveries of leading-edge research cannot be made by conventional methods carried out within isolated areas of research. At Waseda University's School of Advanced Science and Engineering, three departments actively promote bio-related education and research. Each department conducts education and research in line with a curriculum reflecting the characteristics of that department and its student education policy. Shared characteristics include the advancement of life science research that exploits the strengths of science and engineering research. The characteristics of the three departments are as follows.
Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience
The department pursues cutting-edge research not only in electrical engineering and bioscience but also in areas where they intersect. Of the two areas, bioscience includes circadian clocks, structural biology, systems biology, neurons and translational medicine, among others, while the areas where they overlap include SQUID-based brain mapping, hyperspectral imaging-based medical equipment, brain–machine interfaces and bioinformatics. A notable aspect of the department is that it encourages students to present their research results at international and domestic conferences as early as possible. This is one of the main reasons that the graduates of this department are confident of themselves, in both technical and presentation skills. These qualities are highly appreciated by many institutions. Our students play active roles at the forefront of society.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Together with the dramatic progress of life sciences, the conventional field of academic chemistry has entered a significant period of reform, with biology-based chemistry attracting renewed interest. To promote widespread understanding of life phenomena from fundamentals to application using chemistry and biochemistry – i.e. atoms and molecules – as a starting point, we have put together an excellent curriculum to provide education and research guidance to students.
Department of Life Science and Medical Bioscience
The Department of Life Science and Medical Bioscience has devised a curriculum to facilitate the study of medical science basics from an understanding of molecular science relating to life phenomena, as well as a diversity of fields in the sphere of physics and biotechnology. Using this as a base, the department strives to foster development of human resources capable of elucidating life phenomena and diseases, and of developing new medicines and medical equipment as well as diagnostic and treatment methods.
Fields of research conducted in these departments cover a broad range of topics. Therefore, please refer to each department's homepage for specifics about research being conducted.
- Department of Integrative Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
- "Moving into the future with cooperation between advanced biotechnology and advanced science and engineering"
- Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
- "Developing new functions of photons, electrons, atoms and molecules to achieve a good quality of life"
- Cooperative Major in Advanced Biomedical Sciences, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
- (Waseda University-Tokyo Women's Medical University)
- "Achieving rapid clinical implementation of advanced medical equipment, newly developed drugs and regenerative medicine"
- Cooperative Major in Advanced Health Science, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
- (Waseda University-Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- "Promoting education and research on health science in the fields of life science, environmental science and food science and developing human resources to contribute to society"
- Cooperative Major in Nuclear Energy, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
- (Waseda University-Tokyo City University)
- "A new world created by advanced nuclear energy and radiation applications"
Department of Advanced Science and Engineering
This Program is a 5-year program which does not separate Master’s (standard two-year) and Doctoral (standard three-year) program and gives students more time to devote to diverse seminars and research than other courses.